Autumn Sunset Rose


Autumn Sunset Rose (Weeks Rose) is a climber that we purchased in memory of 9 baby ducklings that showed up in our backyard with their momma in 2010.  One by one nature took them away, in the end the momma duck walked in misery around the backyard calling for her babies until she finally flew away.  This rose is planted on a pole with a birdhouse on top in the Secret Garden honoring those babies because it was important for my children at the time. This climbing rose blooms are double ruffles both this orange color along with a light yellow mix – both of which symbolize the colors of the ducklings. It has had some bouts with black spot that is easy to keep under control. I approximate this rose to be about 12 feet high and 3 feet wide and its fragrance is present when you walk by in the garden.  Garden Zone 4-9


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