Guest Suite desk…
I’m in love with a craigslist find my husband and I snatched up this past weekend. A gorgeous drop leaf table that is over One Hundred Fifty years old. I wish I knew more history of about it, but I can assure you – it has found a forever home here at Fishtail Cottage.

It is a very solid piece of furniture and looks like the table is created from oak?
Definitely fond of the hardware that was used to make this table…the age is almost chilling…
The top is a little warped and chippy in some places, but the character it gives is more than ‘unique’, and so very, very cool!

It will be a perfect ‘desk’ for our guests to set their laptops up on. Everyone visiting seems to need a workspace this when visiting, or it can give an extra hideaway for my husband when working from home. (& yes, even a great table for crafts)!!!
It is a very solid piece of furniture and looks like the table is created from oak?
Definitely fond of the hardware that was used to make this table…the age is almost chilling…
The top is a little warped and chippy in some places, but the character it gives is more than ‘unique’, and so very, very cool!
Can you tell that I’m kinda in love? To see what I am linking to this week – please check my “Cottage Links” label…xoxo, tracie
Happy Easter,
@ 3Beeze Homestead
I hope you will Come and enter my amazing Cross Bottle Guy Giveaway! (from Artie of Color Outside the Lines))You will love it!
Art by Karena
Eileen @ Cottage Beach House
Happy Easter!