Fishtail Cottage Garden 6/1/15

So if you saw my post asking for blogger help last week - you will know that the way I learned how to blog using Microsoft Live Writer is no longer compatible with Blogger.  So I am doing what most of you suggested and doing a blog post directly onto Blogger!  Curious, how do I size my photo's and make collages like I used to so that my post isn't just huge photo's?  I like to talk about my landscape with you and tell you what is blooming and give gardening tips tricks that I know...but I feel like the post is so long with just the photo's!  If you have any Blogger tips for me, I can't wait to hear!

We are still enjoying the peonies blooming up the front walkway...  Its raining today and will continue to do so for the next few days, so I have been bringing most of them inside to enjoy!

Roses continue to make an landscape appearance! The first flush of rose season is the absolute best.  I know at one point I counted how many roses I have in the garden, but at this point, I've lost count.  I believe these are the last of the roses to open up that I've been waiting to see start sharing their blooms.

I love that this climbing rose has finally made it's way up the trellis of the windmill.  So pretty, right?

 My most beautiful and fragrant "Alba Plena" peonies opened this weekend  too!

Some of my perennials have bloomed this week that I'm excited to share with you!  Labeling them in order... Princess Victoria Louise Oriental Poppy, Freesia, White Foxglove, Larkspur, Chinese Pagoda Primrose, Phlomis Russeliana, Jacobs Ladder, Rose Campion, Chives, and my not so favorite Morning Glory (because I never planted and it comes up everywhere!!!)


Cardinal Candy Viburnum and Pink Parasols Spirea shrubs are now blooming! Both make great flower blooms for cutting!


Thanks so much for coming over and seeing this weeks garden post!  I appreciate you being patient while I figure out how to blog again! xoxo, tracie


Sylvia said…
I use PicMonkey Photo Editing. Your roses are beautiful. Flowers do make our daily lives much nicer.
My Cozy Casita said…
I used blogger for many year you need to click in top of the photos and choise size, I use Med size for my post I hope work for you.
Your flower are beautiful and all around your garden.
Good look with
I use PicMonkey as well, I use it to make photo collages and then re-size them to a width of 580 so they don't go outside the frame of my post, you can play around with what length works best for your particular layout. As always, your garden pictures are beautiful! :)
Using blogger is really easy, they do have an option for clicking size of photo, small, medium and large. However I re-size all my photos so that they are uniform on my blog and make mine 500 pixels wide proportionate to the original height. This is easy to do using Photopad Image editor which you can download free. You can use this to quickly crop or re-size photos.

Before you publish it you can copy and paste the whole post from blogger onto a word document so you have a copy of it.

Here is a link to Photopad Image Editor:

It is the last download on that page above.

If you need more help, feel free to email me ,

Hi Tracie, My name is Susan Troccolo and I garden in Portland. So, we are neighbors. Just wanted to tell you that I enjoy and admire your lovely garden so much! I have a lovely garden myself and someday you may wish to visit my blog too. But for now, I just wanted to tell you that although I don't comment regularly, I LOVE your cottage sign, the white theme you often have in your home and garden, and your lovely photographs. Happy Summer!
Laurel Stephens said…
I love your big beautiful photographs, and your posts just can't be too long for my enjoyment! I see you've received great advice in previous comments for resizing, though. Good luck! Your garden is stunning!
Tracie, it is always a pure delight to visit your gorgeous garden. I love those peonies!! We can't grow them where I live because our climate is too tropical, but I think they would be my favourite blooms if I could grow them. I have pinned your photo to our Shabbilicious Pinterest board and look forward to featuring you this week at our Shabbilicious Friday party.
Hugs ~ Kerryanne
Unknown said…
I´m visiting your blog for the first time and I love it.The big photos are so beautiful <3. You have such a wonderful garden.
Have a great week.
CatieAn said…
Tracie your flowers and your photos of them are so beautiful. My favorites are the peonies and roses and the poppy...such a delicate color. Our peonies are done and they never last long enough. Our roses are in full bloom as well and I love all of them and their fragrances are so sweet.
Mindy said…
As always, your garden is gorgeous and I personally love the larger photos! As mentioned above, you can size the photos as small, medium, and large once they're in your posts by clicking on them. To edit beforehand and make collages, I use Picassa and love it. It's free to download and use on your computer, but I also use the Picassa online folders for storage and add photos to my posts from those folders. For example, I'll make a folder for, The Backyard: June 10, 2015. Then when you're adding photos to a post, you're pulling from those folders instead uploading from your computer. It's SO much faster!!! Hope that helps!
awal.ny said…
Your gardens are just beautiful, with such wonderful colors. I always try to visit for inspiration. Hopefully I will be able to put in a full day finishing up planters and weeding. Enjoy your weekend. Alaina

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