Rose Bouquet from Grace Rose Farm
Oh my goodness, how beautiful are these roses that I found on my doorstep late last week. I was so excited when I saw the pretty pink and white box from Grace Rose Farm arrive, I immediately brought it in, knowing whatever the contents must be so special. Of course as I began unveiling the wrapping of protection around the flowers I began to inhale the gorgeous aroma of roses.
I most certainly could have foraged the garden for extra greenery to add to the bouquet, but the roses were just so beautiful all on there own, I decided to leave them as is. I moved them from room to room because I couldn't decide where they should stay put to enjoy. But before I decided to leave them on the dining table for all of us to enjoy, I took photo's of them in each space. I am so glad I did, because as you can see in the pictures the lighting changes and accentuates the roses differently in each space.

I have just loved these beauties in my home this past week and I'm sure each and everyone would enjoy a bouquet just as much! Maybe you'd make someone's day by sending them a bouquet to enjoy? So many options on Grace's Rose Farm website. You can order either a mixed bouquet like mine or order by the dozen as well.
Here is a link to place your order & make sure you enter your email to receive 10% off!