White Birdcages…

This darling cage with a stand came from my dad.  He has had it sitting in his home (unused) since he found it an estate sale years ago.  I love the details on this cage and all the character it offers a in my newly decorated great room

012Isn't the detail charming on this sweet cage?


Meet “Clouds”…I rescued this little parakeet on craigslist from a new mom that no longer had time for this little gal.  We welcomed her with little floral paper on the bottom of her cage & the pastel toys of course!


Upstairs in our hallway is the largest of our three cages.  This cage was ordered through a Snohomish Washington boutique strait from Mexico – it took months to receive but well worth the wait – I’ve had it almost eight years now. 



The character on this cage is scrumptious as well… I have fun searching for just the right touches to add to my cages –


these white milk glass serve the perfect feeding and watering bowls. 028032

Currently it houses just one male Ring Neck Dove. When we moved to this home the two males began fighting and we had to rehome one of them.


Diamond Doves in the den… This darling cage was hauled back from Laguna Beach California when we visited two years ago. I found it in a local boutique there & just had to have it…Its found a beautiful corner in my newly decorated den.  These birds are just the messiest little birdies so I have wrapped the inside with plastic.  The diamond doves that have found their home inside have started the spring mating process so recently I put a little birds nest in the upper corner for them.


Funny, now that I am looking at all these cages in the same post – makes me realize how similar they all are… guess I have the same white wrought iron scrolly taste in bird cages…

Thanks for stopping by and seeing my beautiful cages! 

To see what I am linking to this week – please check my “Cottage Links” label…

xoxo, Tracie


Donna said…
Hi Tracie, My I have missed you! I've had company since last week..and now three busy grandsons crawling and running all over the place. :o)I just ADORE your birdcage..and sweet birds. Your greatroom looked awesome too!

I've got a post ready for Thursday. And am looking forward to seeing your garden again.

Donna @ Comin' Home
Anonymous said…
Tracie, these bird cages are adorable, I love the one your Dad found, just a precious treasure and well worth the wait for the double one from Mexico,they look just beautiful in your home.The Diamond Doves will love their new nest!A pleasure calling by again to your blog. Yvette x
Thanks for dropping a comment at the whimsical wife! Love the rustic bird cages - gorgeous!
Arabella said…
All of the cages are so lovely - you have great taste!

Hope you are having a lovely week :O)
Cindy Adkins said…
Hi Tracie,
I love the birdcages...and your blog is wonderful--I am your newest follower!
Hi Tracie,
What beautiful birdcages. I love them all. I am so happy Clouds has a loving home with you. I don't understand people that just decide I don't want this being anymore. It's better Clouds has a loving, beautiful home now, anyway... c'est la vie to the old life!

All your birds are beautiful. I grew up w/a yellow nape amazon with a huge cage from Mexico as well, we purchased it at the flea market and my dad walked row upon row wheeling it out to the gates.

Thank you for entering my giveaway for Fifi's book and for putting it on your sidebar, I've made note of it sweets... good luck!
I loveeeeeeeeed this post! I am a total bird lover for one, and two, I have the exact same "nest" sign on my sweet Ozzy's cage! He's a Zebra Finch, tiny and full of color, we've had the sign for many years, I can't even remember where I got it, but I think Marshall's or Ross. I love your cages, the important thing about having birds is this...small bird/big cage...big bird/even bigger cage. It's my thinking of course, but they need room to "spread their wings" no matter how small. Well done on having your dear feathered friends in such roomy cages. xoxo tami
Faded Charm said…
Such beautiful birdcages you have accumulated. I just realized that maybe my post from today would count for your Flora meme? Let me know and I'll add it to the post and link up on Thursday. I hope to have more as the weather gets warmer and things start to grow:)


bj said…
These are all so pretty. When I was a little girl, my mother had a singing canary that would only sing when she used her sewing machine. I wish I had the beautiful birdcage she had. I wonder what happened to it!!
Thanks for coming by. I am signing up to follow you. :)
xo bj
Lovely collection of birdcages you have there Tracie.
Pretty bird cages and your birds are so sweet! My granny always had a parakeet...Budgie! A few years ago I found a large white cage with a stand on the side of the road...in the garage now. Need to get a bird for it!
Hope you are having a wonderful week!
Unknown said…
OMGoodness! I love these bird cages and you have birds! I'm sure your home has a sweet sound coming from it.
Enjoy your day~KarenSue
NanaDiana said…
Oh I LOVE your birdcages....and imagine that!!! Birdcages that actually house birds. What a concept! I love them all...especially the one you ordered in Snohomish...where one of my best friends in the world lives! That is a beauty..and I like the tall skinny one from your Dad! xxoo Diana
Ricki Treleaven said…
All three of your birdcages are pretty, as are their inhabitants! I think the fancy paper in the one your dad gave you is too, too cute :D
Pamela Gordon said…
What beautiful bird cages and, of course, your birds are beautiful too! Pamela
aww...sweet birdcages...and birds... diamond doves and "Clouds" are precious. thank you. -xok.
Oh they are all so pretty. We had 2 parakeets when I was little. They did not have such pretty cages though!
Victoria said…
Oh your cages are gorgeous! What a lucky parakeet, living in a shabby chic cage:)
Your bird cages are lovely, and so are your birds. It was a delightful surprise to see real birds in your cages. Most of the vintage cages I see are used in decor and empty :).
Your gardens are already looking pretty. I'll be joining your party next week; things are starting to bloom here Yeah!
Have a great week!
~ Julie
Sandi said…
Nice birdcages Tracie! I had to chuckle though at your real birds because it reminded me of my neighbor girl. Every year when they come trick or treating she just doesn't understand WHY I have candles in my birdcage instead of a real bird! too cute!
Hi Tracie, I've had birds several times and so enjoy them, but with cats it's a constant upset. Your cages are lovely, especially the double. I think your little male dove needs a mate!
I LOVE your birdcages!;) And Yes I think we should have a Seattle blog party too!! That would be fun~ Hugs,Rachel
*Im putting you on my blogroll today too!*

French Farmhouse 425
Unknown said…
they are stunning..ALL of them! J'adore!!! what a fabulous collection!
What beautiful birds and cages Tracie! We have a pair of doves that nest in the backyard, I love listening to them coo.
Burlap Luxe said…
Love this post girl!!
They cages are fabulous, I can hardly part with one when I get on in my shop! I want to keep them all :)

Custom Comforts said…
Love your bird cages!!! And you have real birds in them and not just plants or flowers. I've always wanted to have some little finches, but I have cats.
Hi Tracie,
I love the cages!! I remember one in a store in Snohomish like that, I ooogled it for everytime I came up, gorgeous!! Your added details are darling!
We had finches once long ago and they were so messy, I have always wanted Doves but been too afraid. But how sweet to hear them cooing, maybe someday:-)
Love the cages, with birds or without! I also love that you use old white milkglass in their cages, very cute and practical can be pretty!

Anonymous said…
Wow, you've got a beautiful collection of cages! I've had my eye on my aunt's cage for alog time. It's perfectly chippy and I'm just waiting for the day she decides to give it to me:)

Jen said…
So pretty--thanks for sharing. I found you via Bird/Like. I have a couple of birdcages but no bird. I'm thinking about getting one, or a pair, but don't know what a good bird for a beginner is. Also I have a cat...
Hey Tracie
Your bird cages are so lovely..exactly the same taste in bird cages I have! (except mine doesn't house a bird..it's just decorated) :) Thanks so much for linking up to my party, I'm glad I got to see your lovely little cages!
Have a wonderful weekend
Tracie your bird cages and birds are awesome! Love the chippy white cages and of course milk glass bird seed and water holders are perfect. Thanks for joining JFF this week. hugs, Linda
Darling birdcages Tracie~ these are just the sweetest!! We are sitting under piles of snow again here... I can't wait for Spring to spring so I can do some outdoor posts and join your garden party! Thanks for sharing at FNF! :)
YOur birdcage are a wonderful white decorating element... and a sweet home for your little feathered friends!
I had a blue/white parakeet for years, he was adorable and so is Clouds!
Unknown said…
Love the vintage cages! I am LOL over the milkglass food and water bowls! Nothing but the best. Kudos to you for rescuing that poor birdy on Craigslist! I am just getting around now to WW posts!
Everything is just beautiful and charming! Thank you so much for sharing it with us at Inspiration Friday! :-)
Unknown said…
I love how your birds eat out of a milk glass dish! Those are first class birds if you ask me! :)
Anonymous said…
I love the details on this cage and all the character it offers a in my newly ... birdcagetoy.blogspot.com

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