American Flag on our Front Porch…
Fishtail Cottage proudly displays the American Flag on our Front Porch…

It is what welcomes anyone who approaches our home and waves happily in honor of all who currently serve or have served our Country!
Yellowed, tattered and faded red, white & blue – but still this flag has stood proudly on our porch since 9/11. Why we never flew a flag before then is a wonder to me? I cannot imagine not displaying a flag at our home & have to say that I am truly surprised that not more American Families display the American Flag!
It is what welcomes anyone who approaches our home and waves happily in honor of all who currently serve or have served our Country!
So curious to see if you display your Country’s Flag proudly for all to see?
Thanks for the reminder.
Thank you for flying it! It is an honor to our vets and those brave men and women currently serving our country.
Thank you for this post remembering and reminding us all to give thanks to those who have sacrificed.
If you get a chance I have a tribute that I wrote to all our veteran posted today. Hugs- Diana
Enjoy your Memorial Day ~ Sarah
How are you?
I could not leave comments until now beacuse of blog problems..
Wishing you a lovely day,
I've had a very interesting time reading your blog.
I have huge respect for Americans, their love of their flag and their patriotism. I'm English and we don't do much in the way of flying our Union Flag except on St. George's Day, but we show our patriotism in other ways - silent homage when our dead troops come home, that sort of thing.
Our flag isn't a Union Jack - The term 'jack' refers to the flag that is flown from the bowsprit of a ship, often denoting nationality."
It is called the Union Flag because it symbolises the administrative union of the countries of the United Kingdom. It is made up up of the individual Flags of three of the Kingdom's countries all united under one Sovereign - the countries of England, Scotland and of Northern Ireland. As Wales was not a Kingdom but a Principality it could not be included on the flag.
Ooops, wandered off track onto a history lesson there - sorry, but I hope you found it interesting!!!