
Weeks ago – I did a post about some flowers that were in the process of “Unfurling” , and today I am so excited to share with you the fabulous flowers that have finally “Unfurled”!


Linking up to Cottage Flora Thursday’s # (party will be post at 7pm) with this Garden Post. To see where I am linking to this week – please check my “Cottage Links” label…

xoxo, tracie


What beautiful flowers that were unfurled!! Love the collage! Thanks so much for sharing and Happy Gardening! Mindy
You have SO many beautiful flowers blooming in your garden right now, Tracie! In this intense heat, I only have morning glories, passion flowers, and the blossoms on the veggie plants. That's it. ;)

Hope to see these beautiful blooms linked to TTT tonight.

Liz @ the Brambleberry Cottage
NanaDiana said…
WOW - What a gorgeous collage. Love it-your gardens are beautiful-xo Diana
Your unfurled flowers are so pretty! Beautiful collage!
Donna Reyne' said…
What a beautiful collage!
Have a wonderful Thursday!
Larry said…
They are all beautiful blooms... sad to think that for many of them, it will be another year before we see them again... Larry
Beautiful Blooms!! The heat has taken a toll of the garden but over the past few days we had some torrential rains so that has helped a bit.

Linda said…
Beautiful blooms in your garden, everything looks lush and colourful.
Ricki Treleaven said…
Gorgeous, Tracie! Your collage is lovely. My collage maker in Photobucket was not working for the longest time, and it was making me sad!!!!

Ricki Jill
HolleyGarden said…
Oh, my goodness - what lovely beauties you have there! Reminds me of spring again, which is a wonderful thought in this heat wave we've been having. Enjoyed seeing your beautiful blooms.
Darla said…
Gorgeous every photo in this collage.
Marie said…
What a gorgeous collage of flowers you shared with us today!!! The colors are so vivid...you have such a green thumb Tracie! Glad it's finally Thursday.
Lisa Gordon said…
What beautiful photographs these are!
Truly such a wonderful summer feel to each of them.
LindyLouMac said…
The wonders of Nature, I really appreciate having the time, or rather making time to watch flower buds unfurl over a number of days.
BernieH said…
All the blooms or plants that have unfurled are just lovely. Beautiful colours and foliage.
Unknown said…
These are lovely and seeing them in a collage is eye candy for the soul.
deb said…
Oh Tracy, they are soo pretty!!
Have a great weekend!

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