Our new patio furniture arrived last week and we have been enjoying it immensely this week! To see the way it was before, click here.

Another change in the garden this week is the Chicken Coop has been painted white. I wanted to leave it to turn a cape cod natural grey, but with the elements here in Seattle ~ I figured it would be good to get a coat of paint on it to help a little keep the wood somewhat protected. I’m sure it will (over time) still give me the look I so desire).

This past weekend our temperatures here in Seattle were in the mid 90’s. My garden here at Fishtail Cottage was impacted with some droopy plants and crispy leaf edges throughout the landscape.
Watering the newly potted plants twice daily and when hand watering the garden I made sure to wet the foliage of each and every tree and shrub in the evening to help alleviate the stress to the garden sure did help. The heat also helped change those beautiful Vanilla Strawberry Hydrangeas blooms to a more pink hue. And for the last three days the weather has been overcast and cloudy…but no complaints from me. it’s nice to give the garden a break from that kind of extreme heat.

Walking the gardens today I snapped some photo’s to share with you of what is new in bloom ~ Roses, Hydrangeas, Columbine, Lantana, Lilly’s & Dalia are charming the garden this week…
Another change in the garden this week is the Chicken Coop has been painted white. I wanted to leave it to turn a cape cod natural grey, but with the elements here in Seattle ~ I figured it would be good to get a coat of paint on it to help a little keep the wood somewhat protected. I’m sure it will (over time) still give me the look I so desire).
This past weekend our temperatures here in Seattle were in the mid 90’s. My garden here at Fishtail Cottage was impacted with some droopy plants and crispy leaf edges throughout the landscape.
Walking the gardens today I snapped some photo’s to share with you of what is new in bloom ~ Roses, Hydrangeas, Columbine, Lantana, Lilly’s & Dalia are charming the garden this week…
Please link up your gardening posts to the Cottage Garden Party. (I’ll upload the party in a bit). To see where else I am linking to this week – please check my “Cottage Links” label…xoxo, tracie
I enjoy your blog so very much!
Have a lovely day,
Carolynn xo
What is the name of the single rose in the center of all the pictures. It looks a lot like mine which is a shrub rose called Sunrise Sunset.
xoxo laurie
Cooler temps here this evening - and some storms coming - thank the good Lord!
What a summer, whew, hot hot hot!
I'm glad the heat wave is gone too. My poor impatiens were not fans of the high 90's in the least. Several other things, like lady ferns and Solomon seal got fried, even with the twice a day watering, but I suppose that just means it's time to whack them back and see them again next spring.
Thanks for inviting me to share my poppies at this weeks party! It's been a while since I have visited your beautiful cottage. So much has changed, and it all looks so wonderful. Love the new furniture! I bet the evenings are a joy to be in the garden and to have such a lovely place to sit and relax! Enjoy..