January 2014 Front Porch…

So remember when I shared the post about my overwhelming need to garden and potted a few plants for the patio?  Well, I was up to more than just what I shared ~ I must confess that I did some gardening on the front porch as well…
I only went to the store for a new door mat for my front porch, but ended up bringing home a few other pieces for the porch…well I am justifying it because the front porch is what welcomes all who visit…and the Seattle Seahawks games have all been hosted here at our place and I know the boys that come to visit really care what my front porch looks like, right?  okay ~ well maybe I need find some navy and green ribbon too!
So there I was at Target picking up a new mat, then somehow I had to run to TJ Maxx to see if they had anything fun I could use, then I stopped by Molbacks Nursery for a salmon sandwich and tomato soup in their restaurant (which is amazing by the way)!  If you’ve never visited this place, you must!!!  Anyway, I found myself in the garden section after I ate and began filling up a cart with some late winter plants to bring home…
I moved this mailbox from the Chicken Coop to my front door filling it with dusty miller “silver dust” (requires full sun) and this gorgeous ivy called “Goldchild” I love the gold and pink tones of this ivy ~ although I would never EVER plant it in my garden…what a mess that would make!  it requires part to full shade and would invasively spread here in my landscape! Planting in pots is the only way to go (in my opinion) with any kind of ivy!
I found these gorgeous awkwardly oversized lanterns at TJ Maxx that I could use anywhere here at Fishtail Cottage, although I am not sure I would weather them outdoors…I am a huge fan of reusing garden advertisements for adorning my plastic pots when I don’t have a planter for them.  so I wrapped those around the pot and used a rubber band to keep them in place. I filled the large one with a white Cyclamen ~
and a Maidenhair Fern in the smaller two. I love this fern because it can be grown both inside or outside here in the northwest…Although I have never had luck growing it indoors…I think I will plant it in the landscape this year, I’ve heard a lot of great things about it from other local gardeners. It says on the tag that it requires sandy well drained soil/full to part shade and is hardy in zone 7.  So I’m going to assume that it dies back in the wintertime?
In my very rusted and weathered old metal containers, I had to remove the frozen soil that hosted last years annuals ~ lining the container with maple leaves and moss, I planted the “Goldchild” ivy, Dusty Miller and this darling colored Cyclamen that has a pink hue to its bloom. yes, I’m in love with it!!!!  I also chiseled the frozen crocus bulbs that have already begun to appear and mixed them into the container as well ~ then I tucked in more moss to protect the base of the plants and roots in this cold weather.
Now don’t you think those football fans will be so excited to come tomorrow and watch the Seattle Seahawks in the playoffs now?
Maybe the full view of the front porch with the sticks and stones all around it will show you how this space needed a little love!
To see where else I am linking to this week – please check my “Cottage Links” label…xoxo, tracie
PS – Follow Fishtail Cottage on Facebook / Pinterest / Twitter / Instagram


Oh you lucky girl! Getting to play with these gorgeous plants this time of year! The vignette you created is so pretty~~~it gets me in the gardening mood....can't wait till Spring! We are having a heat wave in Ohio....40's the next 5 days! Blessings~~~Roxie
Mindy said…
I'm a sucker for a nursery box full of plants. Definitely put a smile on my face.
chateau chic said…
Love, love, love the containers you used for your plantings on the front porch! They provide a great welcome.
Mary Alice
RaeAbigael said…
lovely! Very welcoming home :)
Burlap Luxe said…
Hi Tracie,

I lové the little olé mail box planter box, its something I would so do.
Love your home gardens any season.


Outspoken One said…
What a beautiful touch. Love it.
So pretty, Tracie--I love the white cyclamen in particular!
Julie Marie said…
Your porch looks so pretty Tracie!... love your cyclamen in those white lanterns... I am sooo waiting for Spring to arrive, our winter has been just awful this year (and last)... you know as a gardener, I cannot wait to get my hands down in that soil once more!... lucky you to be able to put those outside now... but I am buying a few new houseplants for indoors to tide me over till Spring, and also going to plant some little peat pots with seeds soon... xoxo Julie Marie (Hoping to join your garden parties again this year)...
Unknown said…
I adore old mailboxes used as planters. I am determined to find myself one (cheap) this spring and plant! You've inspired me! No blooms here in NJ. We just had record cold last week. A girl can dream though right? Have a great week Traci!
HeatherF1 said…
Yes, those ferns die back in the garden during the winter. I love them! I, too, have no luck with them in the house.
The porch looks great!
Unknown said…
The front of your home is absolutely beautiful - I am in love with that door! :)
Brandi @ Nest of Bliss
I think anyone not only Seahawks fans, but anyone (even a Philadelphia Eagles fan) would be welcomed by the beauty of your home. The front door is absolutely stunning and the entry way is appointed beautifully. Lanterns look gorgeous on the entryway.
Wishing you a fun weekend.
Alison Agnew said…
as i look out my window
and the snow and slush
i find myself envious
that you live somewhere
that you can grow outside plants
right now!


Fridays Unfolded is back
and i would love for you
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Nancherrow (formerly Stuff and Nonsense)
Leslie said…
Your porch looks so nice!!! I can't wait to get outside and pretty things up!!!
Have a great weekend.
Pondside said…
Absolutely lovely. I think you've done a wonderful job and I may just copy you unashamedly! We've had so much gloomy rain up here that I need a little brightener on my front porch.
So pretty! Thanks for joining HSH!
Beth said…
I am soooo jealous to even see some greenery this time of year! I have only seen white for over month now & never thought I'd say I'd be happy to see brown mud instead of snow!

I love how your lanterns turned out and all your other planter plantings. You always do such a nice job with plants!

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