Polar Joy Rose Trees


Polar Joy Tree roses were brought into the landscape in 2008. There are six of them that line the front walk of the garden from the front door to the garden gate. This tree rose is unlike most others because it is grown on its own root stalk and stem – which makes it considered to be the hardiest of all tree roses. These trees are in full all day sunshine with clusters of stunning pink flowers with yellow centers. The branches do grow long and need occasional pruning throughout the summer. I keep the tree itself approximately 7 feet tall with a 3 feet spread. I do amend the soil at least once a year in the bedding area so that these trees along with the other plantings will thrive. This tree rose is a constant battle with rust, black spot and mildew in the PNW but the pretty pink flowers that bloom the entire spring/summer/fall season make up for the extra care needed. There is a clean fragrance to this rose. I have not used it as a cut flower. Special mention – it has a beautiful fall color. Garden Zone 4-7


acorn hollow said…
I love roses but not how fussy they are I have 3 fairy ruses rose that do very well and very old fashion rose bush that you just can't kill.

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