Ornate Silver Bowl…

Not sure how I get so lucky finding these – but  I am counting my blessings when I snatch one of these beauties up.  Some of you have seen my past collection of these darling little bowls – if you have not, click here! 
These little bowls stand maybe four inches high and about the same in width.  I know nothing about them as none of them are marked… In my last post many friends thought they were used as candy dishes – but whatever they are, they certainly are pretty to me and catch my eye.  372
Thanks for popping over to see my addition to my beautiful collection I never knew I’d start!
To see what I am linking to this week – please check my “Cottage Links” label…
xoox, Tracie


BECKY said…
This is such a lovely little piece! The design is just fabulous! I love it when we all of a sudden find something we love and next thing we know we have a small collection starting!! Too much fun!

Have a lovely day and week!!
Unknown said…
Your bowl is absolutely beautiful. I love the detail on it. Just stunning.
Stunning. I love this piece. It really is beautiful. Hugs, Marty
This is a beauty for sure... would love to find treasures like that, always happy when others do...
hugs ~lynne~
Design Dork said…
would a frog fit into this bowl? You could then use it for flower arrangments! :)
Ormolulu said…
Tracie . . . what a darling bowl! I adore old, ornate silverplate and have quite a collection too. Missed ya at 2nd Satz (still have three hairpin frogs left!).

Hope to see you at Retreat Vintage Market on Camano Island in September!

xo Debi
Hi Tracie,
They certainly are sweet. I can see why you enjoy collecting them. It's always so fun to find another treasure to add to a collection!
Victorian1885 said…
What a lovely silver bowl.. have fun finding more treasures for your collection!

Unknown said…
This is just lovely....
Diana LaMarre said…
Hi Tracie,

I think your little silverplate bowls are waste bowls. They were used in the 18th century to pour cold tea from one's cup prior to refilling it.

Whatever it is, it's lovely.
Lovely! Well, I looked at your collection on the other post, and these were basically candy bowls. BUT...this one in this post is a monteith bowl. Notice the grapes on the decoration? The deep scallops? Bowls of this shape (whether this is a repro or a real one I can't tell because I con't see the marks) but monteiths were filled with water and wine glasses rested in the "slots" stem up so they could be cooled in the water in the bowl for wine at table and in Victorian times the larger ones were just used as punch bowls.
Lovely details - such a nice find!
They certainly are pretty, lucky you x
Olive said…
Splendid! What a wonderful collection.
Tracie it is so beautiful. I love your collection, you have been on a roll. Such a great thing when things fall in place.
Great addition to your collection. I would love to have a silver punch bowl with a similar design.
Maybe the little bowls were for mints at each person's place setting, that would be one way to use them.
Absolutely beautiful! I have never seen one like this.
Unknown said…
This bowl is beautiful! Thanks for linking to 2nd Time Around!
Unknown said…
Stunning! I have never seen a cutie like that. Now I will be on the lookout for these in my junkin travels.
Visiting from Tuesday's Treasures.
Mellissa Rose said…
Gorgeous! I love your blog. I found it by the comment you left on the "glimpses of glory" blog. I just started blogging and am enjoying getting to "know" other bloggers :)
Unknown said…
What a loevly bowl and I can see why you love it. I would love to have a few myself. I wonder if the handles are there because it's is to hold ice and the bowl itself would be too cold to handle.? Just a guess. So many ways to use it today and I too would fill it with flowers.
Kathy said…
You are blessed to find these gorgeous bowls and to be able to start a lovely collection! I am sure you'll find wonderful use for them during the holidays!
Pamela said…
This bowl is amazing!! I would love to have you stop by for Treasure Hunt Thursday sometime!:)

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