Ornate Silver Bowl…
Not sure how I get so lucky finding these – but I am counting my blessings when I snatch one of these beauties up. Some of you have seen my past collection of these darling little bowls – if you have not, click here!
These little bowls stand maybe four inches high and about the same in width. I know nothing about them as none of them are marked… In my last post many friends thought they were used as candy dishes – but whatever they are, they certainly are pretty to me and catch my eye.
Thanks for popping over to see my addition to my beautiful collection I never knew I’d start!
xoox, Tracie
Have a lovely day and week!!
hugs ~lynne~
Hope to see you at Retreat Vintage Market on Camano Island in September!
xo Debi
They certainly are sweet. I can see why you enjoy collecting them. It's always so fun to find another treasure to add to a collection!
I think your little silverplate bowls are waste bowls. They were used in the 18th century to pour cold tea from one's cup prior to refilling it.
Whatever it is, it's lovely.
Maybe the little bowls were for mints at each person's place setting, that would be one way to use them.
Visiting from Tuesday's Treasures.