Fishtail Cottage has a new look…
I can’t believe it has already been two years since I began blogging. I am so grateful for all of my friends I have met through my blog, my facebook page, etsy shop, pinterest and the boutiques I have come across. The entire process of this journey has truly changed my life!
Yes, Fishtail Cottage’s Blog has a new look! I have I first want to say thank you for all of the fantastic Feedback…I certainly appreciate every ounce that was given over the course of the past couple days. I was even given a new header from Brooke over Creative Country Mom’s Garden. She used what I had posted yesterday and made it much more “ME”! Which started me on a new course relabeling my side bar links and photo’s, which then adding, removing and reorganizing again. But I think I am finally happy with the way it looks. I really enjoyed sprucing up and changing a few things after the same format and pictures for the past two years. I’m hoping ya’ll are able to navigate more freely.
I tried to simplify my blog with the buttons on the side bar with links to posts that I think you enjoy the most. Easy access to what you are interested in. If you can’t find what you are looking for ~ you can always use the “Search” button to look for anything that interests you by using a key word in the space.
If you don’t blog, but like to keep up on my journaling of what is going on over here at Fishtail Cottage ~ you can “Follow by Email” by entering your email address in the blank space.
At the top of my blog sits the new “Garden Party” button! It’s ready for next May 2013. I can’t wait for that time of year (it’s my favorite).
If you scroll down to the end of the Lastest Blog post (by date) ~ I located my “Link Parties” Button that I may be joining. Also including a link to the parties within each and every post. I found early on that I forgot to link to so many parties and missed out on all the fun. I also found out that if I didn’t link back within each and every post I got kicked out of some parties…I like my button because I don’t miss anything. If you know of a great party that I should add – DON’T forget to let me know. However, if you don’t like me participating this way ~ PLEASE let me know that also!
My about me has been updated as well, along with a recent picture (always hate myself in photo’s) ~ as many people have requested to put a face to my name! You can now now all my favorites.
Love love love Pinterest & yes, you can still follow me. I generally end up following your boards too ~ I think it’s just one big cycle of appreciating one another's style! Nice it (usually) gives credit where credit is due!
I added more pictures to my Etsy Store so you can see more of what I have now.
A lot of you check in to see how my friend is doing. So I have asked my girlfriend Ashley to update her story…she is truly an amazing advocate for staying out of the sun and avoiding tanning beds. I’ll keep you posted when she rewrites her story.
Of course I still list some of my favorite blogs ~ all are located on my side bar as well. I myself love to scroll through and browse what you are up to! I look forward to seeing your posts and am always truly inspired by each of you. I apologize that I don’t always leave comments ~ I am usually browsing at night time and the ipad didn’t have a keyboard. Now that I have a MS Surface (which I love by the way) I should start being better about this!
- One more extra that I finally have stopped ‘talking about’ and now pursuing is Sponsors on my blog. I have found that this really is a JOB that I have created for myself. If you are interested in ADVERTISING here on Fishtail Cottage – please contact me at
- I of course love to help promote YOU! if you are up for giving something away…I am happy to do that as well! just send me an email I always have so much fun doing a GIVEAWAY!
I had to put my Google followers to the bottom of my page. Too many people coming and going and I worry about what I do right for some, yet what I do wrong which makes others want to leave. I blog because it’s a fantastic journal about what is going on here at Fishtail Cottage and what I blog about will always be changing. A new adventure I plan to add to my life this upcoming 2013 year will be to cook dinners for my family! Wish me luck,
they I need it.
So glad you came over to check up on me! Looking forward to another fantastic year of Blogging with all of you! To see where else I am linking to this week – please check my “Cottage Links” label…xoxo, tracie
Good luck on the cooking, sweet friend... I'll definitely stay tuned!
Love your new look. Must say, it is so you! Your picture is just darlin. I love to see what my bloggy friends look like. I have friends that I adore but have no idea what they look like. Great job sweetie!
On another note - HOW COULD YOU HATE YOURSELF IN PICTURES? You are stunning!!
I'm heading outside today to do some late gardening - plant a few bulbs, deadhead and thin some things and put some tender pots away. It's going to be a balmy 50F here! So I need to take advantage of it while we can.
Good luck with the meals. :o)
xoxo laurie