Still re-decorating the Great Room!

You may have saw my post last week that I have been trying to figure out what to put over the faux fireplace in our great room ā€“ if you missed it and want to take a peek at the changes I made to the room, click here.  After several ideas from my blog readers and playing here on my own, Iā€™m kinda in love with what I came up with. My daughter wants to make a collage on her wall of canvas prints of she and her friends which gave me the idea to take the vintage gold frames that I had displayed in my daughters room and layer them on top of the mantle.





I think it brought the right feel of eclectic/vintage to our space.  However, I need to live with it for while before I add or make changes to it.  What do you think?

xoxo, tracie


Blondie's Journal saidā€¦
I love the frames, on. Change is good!

Jane x
Junkchiccottage saidā€¦
Hi Tracie,
I love the frames on the mantel and love those white chairs. Those are pretty awesome. Looks so great.
I am in the process of changing up my living room that has my big leather sectional. Trying to get Pottery Barn to mingle with cottage. I am loving your family room.
Dona saidā€¦
Love that idea! I'm such a creature of habit when it comes to our mantle but....You're great inspiration!
Sandi saidā€¦
I LOVE IT! They look fabulous!! :)
Unknown saidā€¦
What a luvly collection of frames Tracie.This artist is jealous :)
The end table.... the crate. LUV. I am on the lookout for one now!
Little Farmstead saidā€¦
The sizes and quantity of frames gives it the "WOW!" Love the distressed finishes and contrast with white mantel... looking good!! :) ~julie
Unknown saidā€¦
A wonderful collection of frames,looks great,works with the other decor you have.
Rebecca M saidā€¦
Love the frames but how about a spark of spring green mixed in! Love your ideas!
Unknown saidā€¦
These frames bring some vintage touch tothe room, it's so pretty.

Home cleaners Ealing
Debra Howard saidā€¦
It is really looking beautiful. Love the collection of frames.
Tracie, you really have a gorgeous assortment of frames. Love them with the gorgeous whites in the room. So happy to have you back sharing with SYC.
Hi Tracie,
featuring you at SYC this week my friend!
Unknown saidā€¦
I had a display of frames in my last home now I want to do it again - this looks jsut fabulous !
And your chairs !
I WANT your chairs !

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